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Create Defense Team

Wonder Arena is an auto battler game where players both attack and defend. In order to be eligible for the leaderboard, you need to create at least a defense team.

Click the + to create your defense team


In Wonder Arena, you will receive three Beasts through airdrop. You can view them on the defense team builder page and use them to create your team. Keep in mind that the order in which you select the Beasts matters, so choose carefully. For more information on each Beast, **click here** and Wonder Arena Pawn Attributes :


To edit your team name, click on the Name of the team text field. Once you have made the necessary changes, click CONFIRM to create your team. Afterward, your teams will be listed on the right side of the page. Here, you can also create new teams or delete existing ones. Note that a player can have at most 4 defense teams.



To view the leaderboard, click BACK to return to the main page, and then click LEADERBOARD. The players will be listed in order of their scores. To view detailed information about a player, click on their name on the leaderboard. You can challenge the player by clicking on the CHALLENGE PLAYER button from there.


The defense teams that you created in the previous step will be used to defend against challenges from other players. To challenge a player, you must create a temporary attack team. Select the Beasts and click CONFIRM to start the battle.


Your attack team and the opponent's randomly selected defense team will fight automatically.


After the battle, the winner will receive a score of 60, while the loser will lose 30 points.
